DFDL Partner William Greenlee and Senior Consultant Alex Larkin have authored separate articles in the latest American Bar Association (“ABA”) International Law News journal. Mr. Greenlee’s piece, “Arbitration in Myanmar – The Best Option?”, describes recent developments in Myanmar’s legal framework for commercial arbitration, focusing in large part on that country’s new Arbitration Law, enacted in 2016. Mr. Larkin’s contribution “Commercial Arbitration in the ASEAN Region Poised to Increase Confidence in Foreign Investment”, provides an overview of the availability of arbitration as a mechanism for resolving commercial disputes throughout the region. Both articles include a focus on arbitration in the context of encouraging foreign investment and compare domestic arbitration to offshore arbitration.
ABA International Law News is a quarterly journal that provides overviews of international law topics around a specific theme. The current Winter 2017 edition focuses on arbitration, mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Publication by the ABA of these articles is indicative of DFDL’s position as a leader in commercial dispute resolution in the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. Mr. Greenlee’s piece can be downloaded here and Mr. Larkin’s contribution can be downloaded here.
Published in International Law News, Volume 45, Number 3, 2017. © 2017 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.