Pursuant to Prakas 448 on the Registration of Enterprises and their employees with the National Social Security Fund (“NSSF”) for persons governed by the Labour Law (“Prakas 448”), all enterprises regulated by the Law on Social Security Schemes must immediately register themselves and their employees for the occupational risk scheme (covering work‐related accidents and occupational disease insurance) and healthcare scheme. Enterprises that are already operating but are yet to register with the NSSF must do so by 10 December 2017.
Enterprises that are established after the issuance of Prakas 448, must register with the NSSF within 30 days from the commencement of operations.
Enterprises that are already registered with the NSSF for the occupational risk and health care schemes are not required to re-register with the NSSF.
Moving forward, enterprises must register their employees with the NSSF no more than three days after the commencement of employment, except for employees who already hold an NSSF membership card. This requirement does not apply to employees who already possess a valid NSSF membership card.
If you require any assistance in addressing the above requirements or in submitting an application to the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training for approval of the 2018 foreign employee quota by 30 November 2017), please do not hesitate to contact labor.kh@dfdl.com.
DFDL Contact
Chris Robinson
Deputy Managing Director,
Head of Corporate and Commercial Practice Group, Cambodia