Real Estate
Decision of Royal Government of Cambodia no. 131, dated 22 December 2016, on the implementation of principal of guideline of the coastal resort
This decision aims to provide coastal resort developers with guidelines for preparing master plans to ensure good quality coastal resort plans, responsibility and sustainability of the environment, economy, and society.
According to the decision, coastal resorts are to be categorized as follows:
- Type 1: Core Coastal Resort;
- Type 2: Eco-Tourist Costal Resort;
- Type 3: Luxury Coastal Resort;
- Type 4: Public High-Level Coastal Resort; and
- Type 5: Public Medium-Level Coastal Resort.
The decision requires that a master plan for the potential development of a coastal resort must be prepared by a qualified consultant who is recognized by the National Committee on Coastal Area Management and Development.
Public Service Fees
Inter-Ministerial Prakas no. 14414, dated 30 December 2016, on the public service fees of Ministry of Interior
Under this Prakas, the Ministry of Interior is allowed to collect an administration fee for the benefit of the national budget. Upon the issuance of this Prakas, the previous Prakas No. 2087, issued on 15 October 2010, and Prakas No. 3666, issued 10 June 2015, are void. The Prakas contains an attachment of relevant service fees for the different departments of the Ministry of Interior which are applicable from 01 January 2017 onwards.
Road Infrastructure
Prakas no. 215, dated 05 December 2016, of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation on “the condition and procedure on pre-qualification and categories of applicant of road license”
The Prakas aims to reinforce the implementation of the Law on Road and regulations relating to infrastructure in Cambodia. The Prakas determines the conditions and procedures on the pre-qualification and categories of applicants for road certification.
According to the Prakas, the three types of road certification are:
- Consultant of road technical, blueprint and control of infrastructure construction certification;
- Road construction and maintenance certification; and
- Laboratory for the road sector certification.
Each license is classified in different types based on the number of engineers, technical aspects, experience, and capital.
Notification no. 001, dated 16 January 2017, of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation on “the request of road license for road infrastructure business in Cambodia”
This notification is addressed to company owners and state organizations conducting operations relevant to the roads infrastructure sector, such as road construction, road maintenance, and consultation on technical, blueprint, and control of road infrastructure, in order to apply for road certification at the Department of Roads at the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.
Prakas no. 214, dated 05 December 2016, of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation on “the formality sample of application form of request for a road certifcation and sample of a road certification’’
This Prakas aims to determine the formalities, sample of application form of request for road certification and sample of a road certification for the operation of business relevant to the roads infrastructure sector such as road construction, road maintenance, and consultation on technical, blueprint, control of road infrastructure.
The Prakas determines three types of road certification as follows:
- Consultant of road technical, blueprint and control of infrastructure construction certification;
- Road construction and maintenance certification; and
- Laboratory for the road sector certification.
To apply for road certification, the applicant is required to submit the following documents:
- Application form of request for road certification;
- CV of Chairman;
- Letter of confirmation of company address;
- Articles of Incorporation (for a legal entity);
- Structure of company;
- ID Card or passport of Chairman;
- Company profile;
- CV of director of technical engineer(with a photo of 4×6);
- Company contract;
- Employment contract between the company and director of technical engineer;
- List of professional engineers, registered engineers, and relevant technicians; and
- List of machines and materials for construction and laboratory.
DFDL contact:
Alex Larkin
Senior Consultant
*The information provided is for information purposes only, and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations