On 23 September 2020, the DFDL Regional Employment & Labour Team organized a well-attended webinar on ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resources’.
With Audray Souche (DFDL Co-Managing Partner) moderating this live event, Marion Carles-Salmon (DFDL Head of Regional Employment and Labor Practice) discussed how companies and other organizations effected by COVID-19 could implement salary decreases, freezes, deferrals and other variable pay budgets. She also focused on the different options available for an employer to issue performance-related benefits and ways to retain employees. Marion provided the audience with tips on how to get ready for 2021 with relocation or downsizing measures. Jeanette Kwan (Mercer Market Lead, Indochina) focused her speech on recent market survey results touching on different indicators such as salaries, human resource budgets, bonuses, rewards and employees wishes. She ended her presentation by giving tips to human resources managers on actions to take during and post COVID-19 to stay as adaptive as possible.
The webinar concluded with an active and insightful Q&A session.
This webinar aims to provide latest insights and guidance on how employers can continue to adapt their human resources strategies and future business plans during and post COVID-19.