October 22 2013

New York State Bar Association International Section: Seasonal Meeting 2013, 23-26 October (Hanoi)

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3 great panel sessions on: 


Lesser Developed Countries – CLVM – and 

International Tax Planning in Vietnam and the New Asia

New York State Bar Association International Section
Building Global Partnerships and Opportunities in the New Asia


On 25 October, the third day of the New York Bar Association (NYSBA)’s Seasonal Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam,  DFDL will chair and co-chair three panel discussions focusing on our core markets in Southeast Asia and our expertise in international tax planning.  

The NYSBA is the largest voluntary state bar organization in the United States. The International Section has 2,000 American and foreign members in over 65 cities worldwide. The Seasonal meeting, which takes place in different cities all over the world each year, provides an opportunity to network and discuss international legal developments.

DFDL’s panel on “Doing Business and Investing in Myanmar”, chaired by James Finch, will give an update on latest legal and regulatory developments relevant to foreign investors. The panel members are from law firms around the region with a particular focus in this “new” market.

DFDL’s panel on “Investments in Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) – Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar”, chaired by Jerome Buzenet, discusses the opportunities, growth options and challenges for a global business community in these markets.

DFDL’s Tax Director Jude Ocampo is going to be the co-chair on the panel “International Tax Planning for Business Investments in Vietnam and the New Asia”.


       James Finch             Jude Ocampo          Jérôme Buzenet
       Partner; Managing    Tax Director;            Partner; Managing
       Director – Myanmar   Regional Tax           Director – Vietnam;
                                         Practice                  Head of Regional
                                         Group                     M&A Practice Group

DFDL speakers will showcase their on the ground experience and nearly 20 years of experience in the region.

Event Details
Date: 23-26 October 2013
Panel Times: 
 Panel 20, Track 4: 25 October 2013, 11:40 am – 12:55 pm
 Panel 24, Track 4: 25 October 2013, 2:25 pm – 3:40 pm
 Panel 25 Track 1: 25 October 2013, 3:50 pm – 5:05 pm
Venue: InterContinental Hanoi WestLake Hanoi, Vietnam
Price:  Attorneys solely qualified in Southeast Asia, China or India: USD 750
For event program and registration information, please click here.