September 23 2013

Myanmar in Transition: Business Opportunities and Threats, 24 September 2013 (Bangkok)

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Myanmar in Transition: Business Opportunities and Threats

24 September 2013, Bangkok, Thailand

What are the true business perspectives for your company in Myanmar?

Get first-hand information thanks to key speakers including H.E. Mr. Tin Win, Ambassador of Myanmar to Thailand, and hands-on experience sharing through a panel discussion. 

David D. Doran was a panelist as part of a panel discussion regarding business consultancy, electrification, construction, energy, legal & tax issues and real estate.

When: 24 September 2013, 8:00 am – 10:30 am

Where: The Sukhothai Bangkok Hotel, Ballroom (MRT Lumpini)

Price: Members 900 THB, Non-Members 1,300 THB

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