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Myanmar, Cambodia And Laos Investment Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

When: Thursday 19 May 2016

Where: Bangkok, Thailand

DFDL and the European Chambers of Commerce in Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos proudly hosted an investment conference at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand on 19 May 2016.

With the ASEAN Economic Community now established, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos are seen as growth engines of the region attracting investors in many business sectors.

During this half day event, DFDL and the European Chambers of Commerce provided an overview of the economic and political outlooks, and the legal and tax issues affecting investments in these three countries.

Speakers included the three European Chambers of Commerce Executive Directors: Dr. Ramon Bruesseler (Laos), Ratana Phurik-Callebaut (Cambodia) and Filip Lauwerysen (Myanmar) who each provided an overview of the economic and political climate and the outlook for foreign investors in 2016 and beyond.

DFDL Partners: Jack Sheehan and William D. Greenlee, Jr., and Senior Tax Director, Clint O’Connell, and Senior Regional Adviser, Vinay Ahuja, each provided an updated overview of the latest key rules for foreign investors and case studies.


8:00–8:30 Registration and Breakfast
8:30–8:50 Welcome Remarks – Jack Sheehan, Partner and EuroCham Board Member
8:50–9:10 Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Cambodia – Ratana Phurik- Callebaut, Executive Director, European Chamber Cambodia
9:10–9:40 Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investments in Cambodia – Clint O’Connell, Senior Tax Director; Head of Cambodia Tax Practice
9:40–10:10 Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Laos – Ramon Bruesseler, Executive Director, European Chamber Laos
10:10–10:30 Morning Coffee Break
10:30–11:00 Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investments in Laos – Vinay Ahuja, Senior Adviser, DFDL
11:00–11:30 Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Myanmar – Filip Lauwerysen, Executive Director, European Chamber, Myanmar
11:30–12:00 Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investments in Myanmar – William D. Greenlee, Jr., Partner and Managing Director, DFDL Myanmar
12:00–12:30 Case studies on how to structure investments into Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos –   Jack Sheehan, Tax Partner, DFDL
12:30  Q&A
12:45 Lunch will be served for attendees at the Dusit Thani Hotel

Jack Sheehan
Partner, Regional Tax
Practice Group

William D.Greenlee, Jr.
Partner; Managing Director,

Clint O’Connell

Senior Tax Director;
Head of Tax Practice, Cambodia

Vinay Ahuja
Senior Regional Adviser

Ramon Bruesseler
Executive Director,
European Chamber of
Commerce, Laos

Ratana Phurik-Callebaut
Executive Director, European
Chamber of Commerce, Cambodia

Event details:
Date: Thursday,19 May 2016
Time: 8:30am–12:45pm
Venue: Dusit Thani Hotel, 946 Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10500

Please click on the following links to download our materials from the event:

  1. Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Cambodia – Ratana Phurik-Callebaut, Executive Director, European Chamber of Commerce, Cambodia
  2. Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investments in Cambodia – Clint O’Connell – Senior Director, Head of DFDL Cambodia Tax Practice
  3. Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Laos – Ramon Bruesseler, Executive Director, European Chamber of Commerce, Laos
  4. Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investments in Laos – Vinay Ahuja, Senior Regional Adviser, DFDL
  5. Economic and Political Outlook for Foreign Investors in Myanmar – Filip Lauwerysen, Executive Director, European Chamber of Commerce, Myanmar
  6. Overview of Rules and Investment Framework for Foreign Investors in Myanmar – William D. Greenlee, Jr., Partner, DFDL
  7. Case studies on how to structure investments into Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos – Jack Sheehan, Tax Partner, DFDL
  8. All documents in zip file
Photos from the event:




DFDL contact:
Ms. Tipsuda Chaichana
Regional Business Development Executive