October 16 2012

Infrastructure in Cambodia and Myanmar, 17 October 2012 (Tokyo)

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Infrastructure in Cambodia and Myanmar

17 October 2012 – Tokyo

Congratulations to Patrick SmithJim Finch and Jack Sheehan on their highly acclaimed presentation on “Infrastructure in Cambodia and Myanmar” presented to around 120 people at the Japanese Institute for Overseas Investment (“JOI”). The JOI is the “think-tank” of the Japan Bank for International Co-operation and attracts very high caliber attendees. Among the attendees were the executive directors and other senior people of companies such as ITOCHU, Toyota Tsusho, Sumitomo, Sojitz, Hitachi, Toshiba, SMBC, Marubeni, Mitsui Oil and many more. 

Patrick kicked off proceedings by introducing DFDL and discussing general considerations when investing in the region DFDL covers. This was followed by Jim Finch regaling the audience with stories about the “flavor of the month”; Myanmar. Patrick then stepped in for Round 2 and discussed issues arising in the context of Cambodian infrastructure projects. Finally, Jack pulled all the threads together and discussed tax-optimization strategies from a Japanese investor’s perspective. This was all followed by a 30 minute Q&A session.

Hiroo Atsumi, Managing Partner of Atsumi & Sakai, the firm that paid for the seminar fee, said “We were very happy with the response from attendees and we would certainly be open to organizing similar events in future.” 

The Japan Desk is actively planning more seminars in Japan and Patrick, the Head of the Japan Desk said, “There is a huge amount of interest from Japanese investors in the region DFDL covers; particularly, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. However, Japan remains a country where real decision-making occurs at the HQ in Japan. For this reason, it is important that we spread the word about DFDL in Japan. Seminars such as the one held at the JOI offer us the perfect opportunity to do so.”

Congratulations to DFDL’s Japan Desk for organizing the seminar and to the speakers for their fine performances.

For the event agenda, please click here

For more information about DFDL’s Japan Desk, please click here
