DFDL’s Jack Sheehan, Tax Partner, was a featured presenter at the “VAT Implementation in Lao PDR” seminar in Vientiane held on 4 October. The Seminar was jointly sponsored by the IFC, ANZBA (Australia-New Zealand Business Association), ECCIL (European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR) and AMCHAM Lao, with the support of the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance.
Well over 100 delegates from more than 80 companies and organizations attended the seminar. Representatives from the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance also spoke at the event as well as an IFC VAT expert.
Jack’s presentation was entitled “VAT issues faced by private business in Lao PDR,” the content of which were answers to specific comments and issues raised by members of the business community.
“Feedback from the seminar is very positive,” said Jack. “DFDL played key roles in both presenting on key issues faced by private industry, and with Brennan Coleman in his position as President of ANZBA chairing the event. The presence of DFDL showed our continuing support for the development in Lao PDR.”
“This seminar is latest in a series of events resulting from increased coordination among the international business organizations in the Lao PDR with the Lao government,” explained Brennan.