Tax & Transfer Pricing
October 14 2014

Breakfast seminar: China plus One ASEAN tax and transfer pricing strategies, Hong Kong

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When: 8:30AM – 9:30 AM, 15 October

Where: Level 20, Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Jack Sheehan, Partner, DFDL Regional Tax practice group, and Steven Carey, Managing Director, Quantera Global, speak at the upcoming breakfast seminar “China plus One ASEAN tax and transfer pricing strategies” jointly organized by Quantera Global and DFDL on 15 October 2014.

DFDL together with Quantera Global, one of the world’s leading independent transfer pricing advisory firms, invite you to join us for a one-hour fast-tracked seminar on tax and transfer pricing to jump-start your day.

The presentation includes:

  • ASEAN blueprint and legal framework
  • ASEAN comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA) for foreign investors
  • Tax efficient holding locations for ASEAN investments
  • China plus One options
  • Tax incentives
  • Transfer Pricing risk and planning in ASEAN including discussion of BEPS initiatives and their impact on this region.

Jack will draw on the firm’s 20 years of experience in the region and provide some practical case studies.
Steven will share his insights and expectations based on his dedicated transfer pricing experience over the last 15 years. If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us. 

 Fee: Free by invitation

For registration, please contact:

Ms. Tipsuda Chaichana
Marketing and Communications Officer