March 22 2015

Australian Mining Services Mission, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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When: 22-23 March 2015

Where: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The Australia Trade Mission aims to provide a first-hand understanding and exposure to the significant developments and opportunities available in the Cambodia mining sector. This two-day program will include an Australia-Cambodia mining forum and a roundtable with the Cambodian Association of Mining Exploration Companies (CAMEC) and Australian and Cambodian mining companies. Gathering key government and industry leaders together, this event will showcase Australian METS expertise and provide a unique platform to discuss the latest mining and exploration projects, policies and incentives available in Cambodia. In a market briefing session featuring CAMEC, ANZ, Renaissance Minerals and Angkor Gold, DFDL’s Chris Robinson will deliver a presentation on Cambodian investment climate.

DFDL Contact:
Ms. Bayana Iskandyrova
Business Development Manager