Tax & Transfer Pricing
July 29 2014

4th Philippine Tax Summit – 30 July – Manila, Philippine

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When: 30-31 July 2014

Where: Pan Pacific hotel, Manila, Philippine

 Grace Molina, DFDL’s Transfer Pricing Director and concurrently Quantera Global’s Director presented the Plenary Session 5: Principles and Tools on Transfer Pricing at the 4th Philippine Tax Summit held at the Pan Pacific hotel in Manila on July 30th to 31st. The 4th Philippine Tax Summit was known as the pre-eminent learning event of the year, with sessions presented to an audience typically of several hundred professionals by a select group of former Bureau of Internal Revenue (“BIR”) directors, leading industry consultants, past practitioners from the Big 4 firms, tax lawyers, and other tax experts.

To know more about this event, please click here.