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Nishant Choudhary Speaks at Real Estate and Construction Market Event

On 18 June 2019, AustCham Myanmar organized a Real Estate & Construction Breakfast Briefing to discuss the various measures being taken in the first half of 2019 signaling the formulation of a more cogent economically driven vision guiding the government’s policy in the forthcoming years.

Nishant Choudhary (DFDL Myanmar Deputy Managing Director and Head of Banking & Finance Practice) served as a panelist during this discussion joined by a diverse mix of developers, engineers and market researchers.

The 60 participants in the audience gleaned noteworthy highlights on what improvements might be made in the run-up to the election and beyond, and how the market may be expected to react to this uncertain future.

DFDL Contact

Nishant Choudhary

Deputy Managing Director,

Head of Banking & Finance Practice

DFDL Myanmar