DFDL’s Vinay Ahuja and Company’s Co-founder and Group CFO Discuss Eatigo’s Success in Bringing Technology Used in Airline Ticket and Hotel Room Reservations to the Restaurant Table
Episode 5: Merchants in Different Countries and How They Adapt to New Technology
This video focuses on the contrast between different countries, such as Singapore where merchants rapidly adapt to new technologies in an economy where overheads are so high, to Thailand where adoption is more gradual due to lower operating costs and greater reticence about e-commerce given less than ideal previous experiences. Sid also expands on the need for companies (especially start-ups like Eatigo) to decide early on their branding and marketing strategies, comparing companies such as Uber with its more generic experience across markets to the like of Go-Jek which attempts to tailor services to each jurisdiction and adopt localized branding. He re-iterates how crucial it is for companies to understand the culture of where they do business, be reactive, and offer customers what they want and not the other way round.
Previous episodes
Episode 1: Bringing Online Reservation Technology to the Restaurant World
Episode 2: Cultural Set-Up Across Countries – One Size Does Not Necessarily Fit All
Episode 3: Responding to Varying Customer Behaviors on a Common Platform
Episode 4: Changing Dining Habits
Next episode
Episode 6: Cross-cultural Human Resource Management – The Key to Success
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