Banking and Finance
July 19 2019

Eatigo: From Inception to Expansion Across Asia – Episode 2: Cultural Set-Up Across Countries

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DFDL’s Vinay Ahuja and Company’s Co-founder and Group CFO Discuss Eatigo’s Success in Bringing Technology Used in Airline Ticket and Hotel Room Reservations to the Restaurant Table

Episode 2: Cultural Set-Up Across Countries – One Size Does Not Necessarily Fit All

In the second part of this series, Sid discusses particularities in employee attitudes and norms in different countries, and strategies that can be employed to help harmonize standards across diverse cultures. This includes rolling out unified customer relationship management (“CRM”) systems across the organization, and by emphasizing group training sessions where employees working in different areas can meet together, learn from each other, and co-operatively form a more unified approach in how they operate.

Previous episode

Episode 1: Bringing Online Reservation Technology to the Restaurant World

Next episodes

Episode 3: Responding to Varying Customer Behaviors on a Common Platform

Episode 4: Changing Dining Habits

Episode 5: Merchants in Different Countries and How They Adapt to New Technology

Episode 6: Cross-cultural Human Resource Management – The Key to Success

DFDL Contact

Vinay Ahuja

Partner; Head of DFDL India Desk;

Head of the Regional Banking and Finance Practice Group & Head of the Indonesia Practice Group

DFDL Thailand