Awards & Rankings
October 02 2023

DFDL Wins Several Awards at the 2023 Asialaw Awards

We are delighted to share the news that DFDL has received several awards at the sixth annual asialaw Awards, which took place at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The asialaw Awards are one of the most prestigious and respected awards in the legal industry, recognizing the excellence and innovation of law firms and lawyers across Asia.

DFDL has been honored with the following awards:

•  Bangladesh Firm of the Year

•  Myanmar Firm of the Year

•  Client Choice Awards: Laos Firm of the Year

•  Client Choice Awards for Laos – Audray Souche

•  Client Choice Awards: Laos Honourable mention lawyer – Kristy Newby

These awards reflect our outstanding performance and reputation in the region, as well as our dedication to providing high-quality and client-focused legal and tax services. We are grateful to our clients, partners, and colleagues for their continued trust and support. We also congratulate Audray Souche and Kristy Newby who have demonstrated their expertise in their respective fields.

We would like to thank asialaw for organizing this event and for recognizing our achievements. We would also like to congratulate all the other winners and nominees for their remarkable contributions to the legal profession.

You can read more about the asialaw Awards and the full list of winners here.