Banking and Finance
September 27 2018

DFDL Sponsors Investment Opportunities Seminar

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On 17 September 2018 in Bangkok, DFDL together with Luther LLP, collaborated with Eurocham Myanmar, Eurocham Cambodia, Eurocham Lao PDR and the European Association for Business and Commerce Thailand to sponsor a seminar on Business Opportunities in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar.

Representatives from each chamber of commerce (Filip Lauwerysen – Executive Director; Eurocham Myanmar, Ramon Bruesseler – Executive Director; Eurocham Lao PDR and Blaise Kilian – Executive Director; Eurocham Cambodia) shared to a packed room of participants each country’s overview, commercial and investment climate, along with the opportunities and challenges of investing in each country. The speakers also discussed the key roles of each chamber of commerce along with the services they offer, and how they are able to help investors invest in the region.


Alexander Bohusch (Managing Director – Luther Myanmar) presented an overview on and the latest developments in the Myanmar legal industry, focusing on company law, foreign investment, trading restrictions, and exemptions. DFDL Partner Vinay Ahuja followed with a presentation on DFDL’s history and how the firm rose to become the leading regional law firm it is today. He then shared his expertise on the legal industry, investment opportunities, challenges, and forthcoming legislative developments in the Lao PDR. Vinay concluded with a discussion on the investment outlook for the Lao PDR, along with an overview of recent regulatory developments  covering data protection, IT security standards and cyber-security. Meanwhile, Kunal Sachdev (Regional Legal Adviser) provided a Cambodia general country overview, covering various industries and sectors, updates on recent legal and tax trends, along with an assessment of the various opportunities and challenges of doing business in Cambodia.

The event concluded with a lively and engaging Q&A session.

DFDL Contacts

Vinay Ahuja


Head of the Regional Banking & Finance Practice Group

DFDL Thailand

Kunal Sachdev

Regional Legal Adviser

DFDL Thailand