August 19 2021

DFDL Shortlisted in Multiple Categories for the AsiaLaw Awards 2021

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DFDL is very proud to announce that we have been shortlisted by AsiaLaw in several awards categories for 2021: 4 Jurisdictional Firms of the Year, 1 Industry Expertise and 1 Editor’s Choice Impact Deal and Case Award.

  • Cambodia Firm of the Year
  • Laos Firm of the Year
  • Myanmar Firm of the Year
  • Vietnam Firm of the Year
  • Infrastructure Firm of the Year
  • Thai Airways Restructuring

We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted again for the Jurisdictional Firms of the Year and are very happy to get shortlisted in new categories namely Industry Expertise and Editor’s Choice Impact Deal.

Our deepest gratitude to our legal and tax teams across the region for their dedication, attention-to-detail and hard work all of which have resulted to the firm being shortlisted for these prestigious awards. These awards give recognition to remarkable achievements involving international legal and tax professionals in the Asia-Pacific region over a 12-month period.

We are looking forward to the winners’ announcement on 30 September 2021.

Click here to see the shortlists:–xyPdrJXeJk0OCFht3TMMHl9o_C4fCbVpGicuAmNHZqV-22hiUykirviWVipywwJIcW5d6DvvBy3bmhNRXInHTpNMC63e66IUS76kdKVbhXY9w

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