April 23 2015

DFDL Lao PDR helps promote law profession through a publication

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DFDL Lao PDR helps promote the law profession. “Why Choose To Be a Lawyer?” is both a good question and the title of a new brochure promoting the legal profession in the Lao PDR. Lasonexay Chanthavong, Senior Legal Adviser, DFDL Lao PDR, provided input to the publication and is featured in it.

“Currently the number of Lao lawyers is small, less than 200, with very few in rural areas,” explained Lasonexay. “Thus, many people don’t have access to legal advice and may be denied justice.  Hundreds of student graduate from the law school each year, but normally only about 20 or 30 apply to become member of the Lao Bar. Laos needs more lawyers.”

“The duties, benefits and opportunities for lawyers in Laos are not well understood. The brochure will help potential lawyers better understand the profession and, hopefully, help convince more people that the law is the right field for them,” added Lasonexay.

The brochure was created with funding from UNDP and in cooperation with local organizations, such as the Lao Bar, of which Lasonexay is a member of the Executive Committee.

Please click here to read the brochure.