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DFDL advises on Theun-Hinboun Power Company Limited Hydropower Project Share Transfers

DFDL has advised the Theun-Hinboun Power Company Limited (THPC) Lenders in connection with the closing of share transfer transactions. THPC owns and operates a 500MW hydropower project located in Bolikhamxay and Khammouane provinces in the Lao PDR. The transactions closed on 24 September 2014.

The Theun-Hinboun hydropower plant began commercial operations in 1998 and supplies electricity to Thailand and the Lao PDR. The THPC expansion was inaugurated in January 2013.

The shareholders of the project are GMS Power International Pte. Ltd. (20% equity interest), Nordic Hydropower AB (20% equity interest) and EDL-Generation Public Company (EdL-Gen) (60% equity interest). EDL-Gen is listed on the Lao Securities Exchange and is presently 75% owned by Electricité du Laos, which is 100% owned by the Government of Lao PDR.

Under the share transfer transactions:

  • GMS Lao Company Limited transferred its entire 20% equity interest in THPC to GMS Power International Pte. Ltd.
  • Asian Power Invest AB and Statkraft SF transferred their interests in Nordic Hydropower AB to SN Power AS.  Nordic Hydropower AB holds a 20% equity interest in THPC.



Walter Heiser

Senior Counsel 


Walanchathas Sanguanwong

Legal Adviser 

Walter Heiser, Senior Counsel, and Walanchathas Sanguanwong, Legal Adviser, for DFDL represented the THPC Lenders together with Allen & Overy.


Alexander Lynch
CEO; Head of Marketing & Business Development