Tax & Transfer Pricing
March 21 2024

Lao PDR: Presidential Decree (No. 003/PS, 19 March 2024) on the Adjustment of VAT rate from 7% to 10%

The President of the Lao PDR has issued Presidential Decree (No. 003/PS, 19 March 2024) on the Adjustment of the VAT rate from 7% to 10%.

The Presidential Decree states that it will become effective from the date of signature (19 March 2024).

For the Presidential Decree to be effective, it must be published in the Lao Official Gazette.

As of today, 21 March 2024, this Presidential Decree has yet to be published in the Lao Official Gazette.

We will provide further updates shortly.

The information provided here is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.