Legal and Tax Updates
January 14 2013

Council for the Development of Cambodia and Ministry of Commerce Issue Schedules of Fees for Public Services

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The Ministry of Economy and Finance (“MEF”) and the Council for the Development of Cambodia (“CDC”) issued Joint Prakas No. 991 SHV.BrK, dated 28 December 2012, on Providing Public Services of the Council for the Development of Cambodia.  Among other things, this prakas provides:

  • A schedule stating details of service fees, the period in which the services are to be provided, and the duration of validity for certain items which are duration specific (such as permits).
  • Payment receipts are to be issued for any collection of revenues from public services provided in the schedule, in accordance with MEF Prakas No. 272 SHV.Pr.K, dated 17 March 2011, on the implementation of payment receipt, and MEF Instructional Circular No. 005 SHV, dated 17 March 2011, on the management of payment receipt.
  • A “Single-Window-Service” is to be established and permanently staffed to provide public services.

Likewise, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued Announcement No. 0052 P.N.R.B., dated 04 January 2013, stating that effective 08 January 2013, all payments for public services of the MOC shall comply with the Joint Prakas on Public Service Provision of the MOC (Prakas No. 985 SHV.BrK) and that a schedule of public service fees shall be posted at various locations, as well as on the MOC’s website.

Please contact us for further information.

Guillaume Massin
Managing Director, Cambodia
Head of the Real Estate Practice Group