Legal and Tax Updates
October 13 2022

Central Bank of Myanmar Allows Fuel Import Repayments in Chinese Yuan

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On 30 September 2022, the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee (“FESC”) of the Central Bank of Myanmar (“CBM”) issued Letter No. FE-73 (23/2022) as a result of discussions held during meeting No. (53/2022).

The letter has allowed fuel import entities to make repayments of financing agreements in Chinese yuan (“RMB”) in a bid to prevent delays in oil distribution to consumers in Myanmar. The measure was introduced in part because of decreasing availability of US dollars (“USD”).

Letter No. FE-73 (23/2022) states that fuel importers who acquired foreign currencies through trade financing agreements are allowed to make payments in RMB for certain portions of the SWAP Facility received from fuel companies and payments in RMB for fuel costs in the future.

For acquiring SWAP through a USD trade financing agreement, authorized dealer (“AD”) banks are required to provide services for retail sales of foreign exchange earnings from

  • Entities (Myanmar kyat conversion policy exempted)
  • Individuals in foreign currency from abroad
  • Income from Worker Remittances
  • USD purchased from 35% of export earning

AD banks must arrange the repayments of SWAP and carry out the acquisition of trade financing  depending on the repayment amounts.

We trust that this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this or any other legal issues in Myanmar.

The information provided here is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.
