The Royal Government of Cambodia on the 25th of November 2019 signed its ninth (9th) Double Tax Agreement (“DTA“) with the Republic of Korea in Busan, South Korea. The DTA was one of five agreements that were signed by Cambodian Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn and his Korean counterpart Kang Kyung-wha on the sidelines of the Asean-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit and the First Mekong-ROK Summit.
The DTA has similar provisions to those signed earlier between Cambodia and other countries which include Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Those provisions include the ability for tax residents in Cambodia and South Korea to be provided with a corporate tax credit for income that was already subject to tax in the counterparty’s jurisdiction. The treaty also provides for a reduction in the standard withholding tax rates for cross border transactions and a information exchange mechanism between the tax authorities of both countries to enhance tax enforcement against tax evasion, base erosion and profit shifting by taxpayers.
Bilateral trade between Cambodia and South Korea reached nearly $1 billion in 2018 with South Korea ranked as Cambodia’s second largest foreign investor behind China.
The DTA will come into force after the completion of ratification procedures by both jurisdictions.
캄보디아 조세 뉴스 속보: 한-캄보디아 이중과세방지협정·형사사법공조조약 체결
캄보디아 정부는 2019년 11월 25일 한국 부산에서 한-캄보디아 이중과세협정을 체결하였다. 한국과의 5개 협정 중 하나인 이 협정은 이번 한-아세안 및 한-메콩 특별정상회담을 계기로 쁘락 소콘 (Prak Sokhonn) 캄보디아 부총리 겸 외교장관과 강경화 외교부 장관이 체결한 9번째 이중과세협정이다
한국과 체결한 이중과세방지협정은 캄보디아와 싱가포르, 태국, 브루나이, 중국, 베트남, 인도네시아, 홍콩, 말레이시아를 포함한 다른 국가 간에 서명한 조약과 유사한 조항을 가지고 있다. 이 조항은 캄보디아와 한국 당국 관할권에서 세금 거주자의 이미 부과된 소득세에 대해 법인세 공제를 제공하고 있다. 또한 국경간 거래에 대한 표준 원천징수세율의 감소와 양국 세무 당국 간의 정보 교환 메커니즘을 제공하여 납세자의 탈세,기반 침식,이익 이동 방지등 조세 회피의 제도적 방지 또한 강화하고 있다.
이러한 상황에서
캄보디아와 한국 간의 양국 간 교역은 2018년에 거의 10억 달러에 달했으며 한국이 중국에 이어 두 번째로 큰 외국 투자자로 선정되었다.
*한-캄보디아 이중과세방지협정은 두 관할권의 비준 절차가 완료된 후 발효된다.
The DFDL tax team has a vast and varied depth of experience with regard to the application of tax treaties, and as always, we stand ready to answer any questions that you may have on this and other tax issues of concern.
Tax services required to be undertaken by a licensed tax agent in Cambodia are provided by Mekong Tax Services Co., Ltd, a member of DFDL and licensed as a Cambodian tax agent under license number – TA201701018.
The information provided in this email is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.
DFDL Contacts
Head of Cambodia Tax Practice
이선민 │ 李宣名
J.D, LL.M., New York Bar
Senior Consultant