Compliance and Investigations
March 24 2025

Cambodia: Notification on the Obligation to Comply with the Law on Associations and Non- Governmental Organizations

On 19 February 2025, the Ministry of Interior (“MOI”) issued Notification No. 571 (“Notification 571”) on the Obligation to Comply with the Requirements under the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (“LANGO”). Notification 571 serves as the fourth reminder from the MOI for associations and local non-governmental organizations (“LNGOs”) to adhere to the obligations outlined under the LANGO. The objectives of Notification 571 are to safeguard both the public interest and the interests of associations and LNGOs in accordance with the law. Additionally, it seeks to strengthen the relationship between these associations, LNGOs, and the public authorities.

To achieve these objectives and in accordance with the LANGO, Notification 571 reiterates the obligations for associations and LNGOs, along with the timeline for compliance, as follows:

Submission of a written notification detailing the bank account used for operations in Cambodia to the MOI and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (“MEF”).Within 30 days from the registration date. Associations or LNGOs that have failed to notify in the past must notify by the end of March 2025.
Submission of the summary of the activities report and annual financial report of the LNGOs to the MOI and MEF.Before the end of February 2025.
In case of receiving financial aid from donors, the LNGOs must submit: a copy of the summary report of activities and the annual financial report, copied from the original document submitted to the donors; and a copy of documents related to the activities program and the financial agreement that the donors have agreed to provide such aid.   The above documents must be kept at the registered office of the LNGOs for five years.within 30 days from the date of sending it to the donors.within 30 days from the date of the agreement of the donors.        
Submission of a written notification to the MOI on the changes in LNGO’s particulars such as the amendment of its statute, registered address, change of director or executive director, and change of information regarding bank account, the operation.  Within 15 days from the date of such change.

In line with the LANGO, Notification 571 further emphasize that associations and LNGOs shall refrain from:

  1. engaging in any activities that are contrary to those outlined in their statute, applicable laws, and regulations; and
  2. undertaking any activities designed to generate profit for their own benefit or distributing profits, or activities that may endanger security, stability, public order, national security, national unity, culture, or traditions of Cambodia. 

It is advisable for associations and LNGOs to adhere to the requirements under Notification 571 to avoid non-compliance, which may result in removal from the registration list under the LANGO.

The information provided here is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.