Investment Funds
March 08 2024

Breakfast Discussion on Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam

DFDL is pleased to invite you to an exclusive Breakfast discussion on Wednesday 20th March, from 8:00am to 10:00am, to explore the regulatory frameworks and investment opportunities in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, three key ASEAN markets that have become strategic for the outbound expansion of Thai businesses.

Leveraging on its regional footprint across ASEAN, DFDL will be welcoming four experts: Sri Ningsih (Partner, Nusantara DFDL Partnership, Indonesia), Afriyan Rachmad (Partner, Nusantara DFDL Partnership, Indonesia), Robin Teow (Managing Partner, Robin Lynn & Lee (in collaboration with DFDL), Malaysia), Hanh Tran (Co-Managing Partner, Vietnam).

They will provide an overview of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam’s regulatory framework for foreign investments, share updates and answer questions from the audience in an open Q&A format. Our Thai experts will also share their experience on coordinating the regional expansion of Thai companies, covering key challenges and best practices.

It is a great opportunity for Thai companies to gather knowledge and prepare their strategic development to foreign markets of ASEAN. We look forward to welcoming you on 20th March!

This event is free for business executives and in-house counsels. You will receive a confirmation email upon registration at the above register button.