Recording Date: 21 October 2021
Watch this 1 hour-long on-demand webinar to understand how Cambodia stands to be a primary beneficiary when the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (“RCEP”) comes into effect in the coming months and the tremendous boost it will give to aid the country’s post-COVID-19 recovery.
The RCEP is set to become the world’s largest free trade agreement (“FTA“) comprising 15 member countries including Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Korea and the ASEAN member states. When it enters into force it will cover more than 3.6 billion people (48.1% of the world’s population). The combined GDP of RCEP member states was approximately USD 28.5 trillion in 2019 accounting for almost an entire third (32.7%) of global GDP. The combined trade of RCEP member states exceeds USD 11.2 trillion or approximately 29.5% of global trade.
DFDL Partner, Clint O’Connell, puts the RCEP into context with other recent significant developments such as the new Law on Investment, FTAs with China (“CCFTA”), South Korea (“CKFTA”) and the Generalized System of Preferences (“GSP”) agreement with the United Kingdom.
Our guest expert speaker, Deborah Elms, the Executive Director of the Asian Trade Centre, gives a comprehensive overview of the RCEP’s salient features with particular emphasis on how it will help encourage and promote investment in Cambodia.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from our team of experts to fully understand what’s in store for the Cambodia economy with the advent of the RCEP!