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Bangladesh – Unlocking Bangladesh Investment: Your Simplified 2024 Guide

Bangladesh is on the rise! With a booming economy and a strategic location in South Asia, it presents a wealth of opportunities for investors.

DFDL’s Bangladesh Investment Guide 2024 equips you with everything you need to navigate this exciting market.

Why Invest in Bangladesh?

  • Impressive growth trajectory: Bangladesh boasts a near 7% annual growth rate.
  • Strategic location: Ideally situated in South Asia, Bangladesh offers access to vast regional markets.
  • Booming infrastructure: Investments are pouring into electricity, transport, and telecommunications, creating a strong foundation for business.
  • Investor-friendly environment: Bangladesh offers a competitive FDI regime, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment.

DFDL’s guide provides:

  • Actionable insights on navigating regulations, legal frameworks, and cultural considerations.
  • Expert guidance to ensure a smooth investment journey.

Download your free copy today and unlock the potential of Bangladesh!

Shahwar Nizam
Partner, Managing Director, Bangladesh
Shahwar is a Partner and serves as the Managing Director of DFDL Bangladesh.