Tax & Transfer Pricing
May 19 2023

DFDL Contributes to Thailand’s Double Tax Agreements Article in April 2023 Issue of The American Chamber of Commerce Thailand Magazine.

DFDL’s Jack Sheehan (Partner and Head of the Regional Tax Practice) and Jidapa Tiamsuttikarn (Senior Tax Adviser) have made a substantial contribution to the first article on Thailand’s Double Tax Agreements (DTA) in the latest issue of The American Chamber of Commerce of Thailand magazine.

Thailand has an extensive network of double tax agreements (DTAs) with 61 countries, including many major economies, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, France, China, Australia, and Hong Kong. DTAs can offer Thai and foreign investors significant benefits when planning a cross-border investment and the notable expertise of both Jack and Jidapa will discuss some of the salient features of Thailand’s DTAs.

Click here to download the article.