June 24 2015

DFDL breakfast seminar: AEC and Myanmar trade and investments updates, Bangkok, Thailand

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When: 24 June 2015 

Where: Bangkok, Thailand 

DFDL, in cooperation with the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Canadian Chamber of Commerce, organized the seminar on “AEC and Myanmar Trade and Investments Updates”, a part of DFDL’s monthly breakfast series. The seminar aimed to share insights gained from our experience in ASEAN, South Asia and beyond.

Jude Ocampo,  Deputy Head, Regional Tax Practice Group, Jack Sheehan, Partner, Regional Tax Practice Group, and William D. Greenlee Jr., Partner; Managing Director Myanmar, discussed current legal and tax issues in the upcoming AEC and Myanmar.

The breakfast seminar kicked off with Jude’s presentation on  “AEC-Trade and investments” at 8.00 am, covering the following topics:

  • Tax laws and administration in ASEAN under AEC
  • Thailand’s commitments under the ASEAN free trade agreements
  • Investment protection rules for foreign investors under the ACIA work
  • Competition under AEC?
  • Trading of goods and services
  • AEC Agreements, BITs and other international agreements

After a coffee break at 9.30 am. William and Jack followed up with a presentation on Myanmar including:

  • General business environment and the upcoming Presidential Elections
  • Legal and tax updates including tax structuring opportunities
  • FDI opportunities

Attendees were welcomed to attend either or both sessions.

Event Details

Time: 8:00am – 11:00am (registration and breakfast starts at 7:30am)

Venue: Dusit Thani Hotel Bangkok, 946 Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10500

DFDL contact:
Ms. Tipsuda Chaichana
Marketing and Communications Officer