October 20 2014

Myanmar 2nd Electric Power Convention, Yangon, Myanmar

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When: 21 October 2014

Where: Myanmar

Myanmar 2nd Electric Power Convention

William Greenlee, David Doran, Khin Thandar, Rob Fitzgibbons and Audray Souche held the pre-conference workshop on 21 October 2014. The conference room was filled to its capacity with people standing along the walls. It is estimated that about60 to 70 people attended the workshop.

Their presentations that focused on recent legal changes relevant to power projects, international best practice, the new electricity law in Myanmar and typical challenges and options for the electricity reform was very well received.

To view agenda, please click here

To watch the video clip, please click here.

To read the news on Myanmar International TV Channel, please click here.

Some photos of this event:

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