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DFDL presents to the Attorney General’s Office, Naypyidaw – 21 Nov 2013

Presentation to the Attorney General’s Office in Naypyidaw

by William D. Greenlee Jr. and  Rob Fitzgibbons


21 November 2013


On 21 November DFDL’s William D. Greenlee Jr. and Rob Fitzgibbons, in collaboration with General Electric speakers, gave a presentation to the Attorney General’s Office in Naypyidaw on the Legal Environment for Responsible  Investment – Case Study on Power Contracts.

The Commercial Law Seminar was organized by USAID-funded ASEAN Connectivity Through Trade and Investment (ACTI).  ACTI provides technical assistance, training, materials and other resources for the development of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) economic communities and economies.  The Commercial Law Seminar covers international best practice with a focus on the substantive law and institutional capacities needed for commercial law to drive inclusive and sustained economic growth in Myanmar.

William D. Greenlee, Jr. presented on the Legal Environment for Responsible Investment – Case Study on Power Contracts and Rob Fitzgibbons presented on Allocation of Power Project Risks under Typical IPP Power Purchase Agreements.

To download pdf versions of the presentations please click on the relevent picture. 
